Well, it happened! I got engaged! In possibly one of the prettiest places in the country, I might add- Yellowstone National Park. I knew something was up, but I could never have guessed the details of how I'd become engaged! Here's how it happened:
My man and I traveled to Mammoth Hot Springs because he wanted gluten free hot dogs and to go for a hike. We ordered our hot dogs and he disappeared “to the restroom” for about half an hour. I later found that he was borrowing a Sharpie from the General Store and writing on the map he would soon use in his proposal... After eating, we hiked a hill littered with cow pies (buffaloads?). Out of breath, we arrived at the top where I jumped on a rock and started taking photos of the view. My soon-to-be-fiance asked what mountains were in the distance and when I said I didn't know, he asked me to help open the map so we could find out. On the map he had written, “Our journey thus far has been the most moving and wonderful time of my life. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met. I love you so very much!” This message was followed by photo of his family members that were also on the trip holding a hand crafted banner that read “Will you marry me?”. He pulled the ring from his backpack. After I said yes and we finished enjoying the view, we headed back down the mountain and out of the park for champagne at the family cabin. The cabin was decorated with balloons, the banner, and a photo of our puppy wishing us congratulations!
The View
The Ring
The Map
So that's the story! He did a good job, right?
We are planning the wedding for the Summer of 2015, so there's lots more to come! For more of my wedding wondering and bridal breakthroughs, check back soon! xoxo