Along with dressing brides, one of our favorite things to do is wardrobe pageant contestants - both young and old. This week's thank you comes from the mother of one of our younger pageant girls, Renee. Renee was recently a competitor in the
Arizona Cinderella Scholarship Pageant. The Cinderella pageant system focuses on inner beauty and promotes self-confidence in young women. We're pleased to help these young pageant contestants when we can. It warms our heart to see them do well and look well. Here's a warm thank you note from Renne's mother, Terri:
Denise Swartzman (left) and Renee (right) |
Hi, We wanted to thank you for your love & support of Renee! She felt beautiful in the orange dress [not shown]. She won talent! I'll send a photo of her in it, but I wanted to email you this one in her crown & banner she won with Denise [Swartzman, Arizona Cinderella State Director]. We can't thank you enough!
Love, Terri Romo
Great job Renee! We love you!
Suzanne's Bridal Boutique